In-class exercise#
Please respect the time limits. Of course you do not need to set a timer, but it is important that you make it to the very end.
The tasks relate to “Overinference from Weak Signals and Underinference from Strong Signals” (Augenblick et al., 2023)
Task 1: (45min)#
Consider Section 2 of the paper.
Explain what it means in terms of the model to overreaction to signals?
Try to provide a clear intuition for how the model generates both over- and underreaction to signals
Task 2-1: Lab Experiment (60min)#
Describe the experimental design in Augenblick et al. What is the key idea underlying the design?
Are the authors able to establish a causal relation between signal strength and over- and under-reaction?
Please summarize the key results from the lab experiment.
Task 2-2: Financial Markets (60min)#
Describe the empirical approach in Augenblick et al to study over- and under-reaction in financial and sports betting markets. What is the key idea underlying this approach?
Please summarize the key corresponding results.