In-class exercise#
Please respect the time limits. Of course you do not need to set a timer, but it is important that you make it to the very end.
The tasks refer to “Belief Elicitation and Behavioral Incentive Compatibility” (Danz, Vesterlund, and Wilson, 2022).
Task 1: binarized scoring rule and incentive compatibility (30 min)#
State a real-life belief question and how you would implement the binarized scoring rule for this question.
Give a concrete example (not contained in the paper) for the difference between theoretical and behavioral incentive compatibility.
Task 2.1 (60 min)#
Consider the section “Baseline Design and Results”. Please also skim through section IV.A
Describe the experimental design. What is the key design idea?
What, in your view, are pros and cons of this design?
What are the key results? Please summarize.
Task 2.2 (60 min)#
Consider the section IV.A. Please also skim through “Baseline Design and Results”
What are the authors trying to demonstrate in IV.A? Describe the experimental approach they implemented to achieve their goal?
Think about another example where the result of center bias would matter?
What are the key results? Please summarize.