Project A3:
Distribution of Microeconomic Characteristics
and the Structure of Equilibrium Models
Director: Prof. Dr. Werner Hildenbrand

The main subjects of research unit A3 are the Modelling of Aggregate Market Demand and Nonparametric Data
The goal of this project is the economic modelling of the evolution over time of aggregate consumption
expenditure of a heterogeneous population of households. Aggregation is to be understood in a twofold way:
- Aggregation over commodities - e.g. consumption expenditure for all nondurable consumption goods
or consumption expenditure for food, clothing etc. only.
- Aggregation over households - mean expenditure of a population.
(Arns, Gerber, Hennig-Schmidt, K. Hildenbrand, W. Hildenbrand, Hoderlein, Jang, John, Kneip, Scheer,
Sippel, Utikal)
Main publications based on this approach are
- Hildenbrand, W. (1994): Market Demand: Theory and Empirical Evidence. Princeton University
Press, Princeton.
- Hildenbrand, W. and A. Kneip (1993): Family Expenditure Data, Heteroscedasticity and the Law
of Demand. Ricerche Economiche 47, pp. 137 - 165.
- Kneip, A. (1994): Behavioral Heterogeneity and Structural Properties of Aggregate Demand.
SFB 303, University of Bonn, Discussion Paper No. A-460, to appear in Journal of Mathematical
Economics (1999).
- Hildenbrand, W. and A. Kneip (1997): Demand Aggregation under Structural Stability.
SFB 303, University of Bonn, Discussion Paper No. A-560, to appear in Journal of Mathematical
Economics (1999).
- Hildenbrand, W. (1998): How Relevant are Specifications on Behavioral Relations on the Micro-
Level for Modelling the Time-Path of Population Aggregates. European Economic Review, 42, pp. 437 - 458.

- University of Bonn
- Institut für Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- Forschungsgruppe Hildenbrand
- Lennéstraße 37
- D - 53113 Bonn / Germany
- Phone: +49+228+73 9242
- Fax: +49+228+73 9240

- Hildenbrand, Werner, Prof. Dr.
- Arns, Jürgen, Dipl. Vw.
- Hennig-Schmidt, Heike, Dr. (Managing assistant of SFB 303)
- Hildenbrand, Kurt, Dr.
- Hoderlein, Stefan, Dipl. Vw.
- Jang, Insong, Ph.D.
- John, Reinhard, Dr.
- Puppe, Clemens, Prof. Dr.
- Scheer, Jens-Uwe, Dipl. Math., Dipl. Stat.
- Sippel, Reinhard, Dipl. Vw.
- Utikal, Klaus, Ph.D.
- Härdle, Wolfgang, Prof. Dr.
- Hens, Thorsten, Prof. Dr.
- Bettzüge, Marc-Oliver, Dr.
- Gerber, Anke, Dipl. Wirt.Math.
- Heid, Frank, Dr.
- Kneip, Alois, Prof. Dr.
- Laitenberger, Marta, Dipl. Vw.
- Li, Zhu-Yu, Ph.D.

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