SFB 303 Discussion Paper No. B-347

Author: Schlag, Karl H., and Ross Cressman
The Dynamic (In)Stability of Backwards Induction
The analysis of the replicator dynamic in generic prfect information games
yields the following results. In the long run, players play a Nash
equlilbrium provided that initially all strategies are present. There is at
most one "stable" component ( formally, an interior asymptotically stable
set ), play in this component will follow the backwards induction path.
Existence of such a component is guraranteed in games with at most three
consecutive decisions nodes. An example of a "longer"game is provided whre
some trajectories starting close to the backwards induction component lead
away and never come back.
Keywords: perfect informatin, extensiv-form game, Centipede
Game, backwards induction, replicator dynamics, interior asymptotic
JEL-Classification-Number: C 72, C79
Creation-Date: May 1995

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