SFB 303 Discussion Paper No. B-315

Author: Zenner, Markus
Title: OLS-Learning in Non-Stationary Models with Forecast
Abstract: In this study we consider a linear model with
forecast feedback in which boundedly rational agents are learning the
parameter values of the rational expectations equilibrium by the OLS
learning procedure. We show strong consistency of the OLS estimates under
much weaker assumptions on the involved time series than the ones usually
employed. This result extends the boundedly rational learning approach
to models including non-stationary time series, like processes with polynomial
trends or unit root autoregressive processes, and indicates that the idea
that agents can learn only stationary rational expectations equilibria
is misleading.
Keywords: Rational expectations equilibrium, boundedly rational
learning, stochastic approximation, non-stationary time series
JEL-Classification-Number: C22, C40, C62, D83
Creation-Date: May 1995

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