Frey, Rüdiger, and Alexander Stremme
Title: Market Volatility and Feedback Effects from Dynamic Hedging
Abstract: In this paper we analyze in what way the demand generated by dynamic hedging strategies affects
the equilibrium prices of the underlying asset. We derive an explicit expression for the transformation of
market volatility under the impact of hedging. It turns out that market volatility increases and becomes
price-dependent. The strength of the effects depend not only on the market share of portfolio insurance but
also crucially on the heterogeneity of insured payoffs. We finally discuss in what sense hedging strategies
calculated under the assumption of constant volatility are still appropriate, even if this assumption is
obviously violated by their implementation.
Keywords: Black--Scholes Model, Dynamic Hedging, Volatility, Option Pricing, Feedback Effects
JEL-Classification-Number: G13
Creation-Date: October 1995
URL: ../1995/b/bonnsfb310.pdf
17.02.1998, © Webmaster