Jehiel, Philippe, Benny Moldovanu, and Ennio Stacchetti
Title: How (not) to sell nuclear weapons
Abstract: We study the problem of a seller who wants to maximize her revenue in
situations where the outcome of the sale affects the nature of the future
interaction between agents. We model those situations by assuming that an
agent that does not acquire the object for sale incurs an externality that
may depend both on the identity of the sufferer and on the identity of the
final purchaser. We describe an optimal auction that has a unique Nash
equilibrium in strictly dominant strategies. We show that: 1) Ouside options
are endogenously determined in equilibrium. Participation constraints and the
"threats" in case of non-participation play an important role. 2) An
optimizing seller can extract surplus also from buyers that do not optain
the auctioned object. 3) The seller is better off by not selling at all (while
obtaining some payments) if externalities are large when compared to
the pure profits that buyers achieve if they acquire the object. 4) The
revenue-maximizing equilibrium is coalition-proof if buyers cannot organize
side payments among themselves.
Creation-Date: June 1994
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17.02.1998, © Webmaster