SFB 303 Discussion Paper No. B-284

Author: Schweizer, Martin
Title: On the Minimal Martingale Measure and the
Föllmer-Schweizer Decomposition
Abstract: We provide three characterizations of the minimal
martingale measure P associated to a given d-dimensional semimartingale
X. In each case, P is shown to be the unique solution of an optimization
problem where one minimizes a certain functional over a suitable class
of signed local martingale measures for X. Furthermore, we extend a result
of Ansel and Stricker on the Föllmer-Schweizer decomposition to the
case where X is continuous, but multidimensional.
Keywords: minimal signed martingale measure, Foellmer-Schweizer
decomposition, martingale densities, structure condition, semimartingales
JEL-Classification-Number: G10, C60
Creation-Date: June 1994

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