Probst, Daniel A.
Title: Evolution, Automata and the Repeated Prisoners' Dilemma
Abstract: This paper introduces two ideas to the evolutionary analysis of the
Abreu & Rubinstein automaton selection game (with complexity costs) for the
repeated prisoners' dilemma. As a first point an evolutionary process with
a constant influx of simple mutants is proposed. The second idea introduces
an evolutionary stability concept for sets of automata. These sets consist
of automata which are indistinguishable in an evolutionary process in terms
of repeated game payoff and complexity. Stability of such a set requires
every member to be evolutionary stable against all automata outside the set.
The basic aim is to remedy the non-existence of ESS by allowing an
equilibrium population to drift arbitrarily over a set while requiring that
this drift will never allow the destabilization of the population by any
mutants outside this set. It turns out that there exists one unique set of
five three-state automata fulfilling the above requirements.
Creation-Date: December 1992
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17.02.1998, © Webmaster