Author: Holtz
Wooders, Myrna
Title: On Large Games and Competitive Markets 1: Theory
Abstract: This paper discusses a body of research directed towards
establishing that large economies where almost all gains to collective
activity can be captured by small groups of participants are
competetive. Specifically, such economies are game-theoretically
equivalent to competitive exchange economies. The ecomomies include
ones with clubs, coalition production, local public goods, and also
exchange economies with nonconvexities and indivisibilities.
A framework of games in characteristic form is introduced. A large game
is one with a "large" but finite number of players. The framework has
the substitution property, the property that in any large game most
players have many close substitutes. The games satisfy the conditions
of effectiveness of small groups if almost all gains to cooperative
activities can be realized by cooperation within bounded-sized
coalitions in partitions of the total player set. Note that this does
not rule out arbitrarily large coalitions; it only means that large
coalitions are inessential for the realization of almost all gains to
group formation. Roughly, I establish that effectiveness of small
groups is necessary and sufficient for:
(a) the market-game property, that all sufficiently large games are
approximately market games (ones derived from exchange economies where
all agents have continuous, concave utility functions);
(b) the core-convergence property, that approximate cores of large
games converge to Walrasian payoffs of markets;
(c) continuum representability, the property that small groups cannot
have significant per-capita effects on large groups (i.e., that the
games can be adequately represented as ones with a continuum of
players); and
(d) the approximate core property, that all sufficiently large games
have nonempty approximate cores.
I emphasize that, with some small qualifications, effectiveness of
small groups conditions are necessary and sufficient for these
properties, and in particular, for core convergence. This contrasts
with earlier results showing sufficient conditions.
In addition, I establish that for large games the approximate core is
typically "small" and converges to a single payoff. This is an
immediate consequence of the properties that large games are
approximated by large markets where all agents have the same continuous
and concave utility function and (b) above.
In "Games and Competitive Markets 2: Applications" the application of
the method and results to a number of economic problems is discussed.
I apply my approach to economies with public goods with satiation
and/or congestion. I show that when collective consumption by the group
of the whole is optimal, effectiveness of small groups is necessary and
sufficient for convergence of the core to the Lindahl payoffs. This
application is chosen to present a boundary of the applicability of my
framework. The application of the results to collectively consumed
and/or produced commodities, where it may be optimal to have many
distinct groups, is discussed, and related to other research. The
results of this paper are applied to show that large economies
satisfying substitution and effectiveness can be approximated by
exchange economies where the goods are the attributes of players and
where hedonic prices emerge as Walrasian prices. A number of other
applications are suggested.
Creation-Date: November 1991
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