Klein, Martin
Title: Delors and the Core: Cooperative Monetary Policy Games and the
Transition to EMU
Abstract: This paper constructs a cooperative monetary policy game to model
the policy choice in a fixed exchange rate arrangement between two
countries. Bargaining arises because the countries' joint decision to
maintain a fixed exchange rate leaves them with a degree of freedom
with respect to the allocation of adjustment duties between them. The
paper demonstrates how a solution for the bargaining game can be
constructed and uses simulation methods to assess how the solution is
affected by the parameters of the macro model. The model is used to
investigate the difference between a monetary union and a fixed
exchange rate arrangement with bargaining. One of the main results is
that the allocation of adjustment between countries operates quite
differently in these two systems. A fixed exchange rate arrangement
tends to favor large member countries wheras a monetary union gives
countries equal weights or even favors the small countries.
Creation-Date: April 1990
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