Krelle, Wilhelm
Title: Learning in a Class of Non-Zero-Sum Two-Person Games Part I
Abstract: We consider a finite two person game where the players move in turn.
Neither player knows the payoffs of the other, but each player has an
a-priori-probability distribution for the possible "types" of his opponent
and is able to form an opinion of this a-priori-probability of his opponent.
Each player follows the Bayesian rule of maximizing his payoff expectation.
"Learning" in this context means that a player narrows down the possible
"types" of his opponent by observing and analyzing his moves in the course
of the game. Thus he is able to correct his a-priori-probabilities and to
improve his decisions. Asymptotically he may know exactly against whom he is
It is shown that a unique solution results which under certain conditions
converges to the subgame perfect Nash equilibrium point of the game under
perfect information.
Creation-Date: May 1991
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