Author: Klein, Martin
Title: The Option Pricing Approach to the Valuation of Country Risk
Abstract: This paper provides a brief survey of some recent developments in the
valuation of country risk. The point of departure is the recognition that
the valuation of country risk can be approached using techniques developed
in the literature on option pricing. The basic setup distinguishes three
concepts of debt service. Total contractual debt service, debt servicing
capacity, and actual debt service. Insolvency occurs when debt servicing
capacity falls short of the contractual debt service. Based on observations
of stylized facts of rescheduling it is assumed that under insolvency the
debtor country receives debt relief proportional to the difference between
contractual debt service and debt servicing capacity. It is then shown that
option pricing theory leads to a closed form representation of the spread a
country has to pay on its external borrowing.
Keywords: International finance, sovereign risk
JEL-Classification-Number: 123
Creation-Date: June 1990
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