SFB 303 Discussion Paper No. B - 38

Author: Gajda, J., and H. Welsch
Title: Time Series of Bilateral Commodity Flows for Sixteen Countries and Eight Groups of Countries 1960-1982
Abstract: This paper reports on some modifications and extensions of the data base of bilateral commodity trade
flows used in the Bonn-IIASA Research Project on Economic Growth and Structural Change. These alterations
are due to the fact that the set of countries and groups of countries to be considered in the model was redefined.
The following changes were made:1. The group "Developing African Countries" was extended to include Zaire
and Kenya.2. A group "Other Mid-East and North African Developing Countries" was introduced into the
model.3. Six European member countries of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA) were
considered for the first time.A detailed list of the countries and groups of countries used in the model can be
found in the Appendix.
Creation-Date: 1985
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