SFB 303 Discussion Paper No. B - 32

Author: Székely, István
Title: Models for Groups of Developing Countries in the IIASA-Bonn Research Project on Economic Growth and
Structural Change
Abstract: In the world model being developed in the IIASA-Bonn Research Project on Economic Growth and
Structural Change the LDC`s are modelled as groups. In this paper the submodel of these groups are
presented.The general structure of this paper is the following: for each part of the model first its specification is
described, then the estimation results and the error analysis for the ex-post simulation are presented and finally
the problems are listed. The "General Notes"
groups, the list of the variables and detailed results for the error analysis of the ex-post simulation can be found
in annexes.Since the final form of the model is still a long way off the results presented here are to be considered
only as preliminary ones.
Creation-Date: 1985
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