SFB 303 Discussion Paper No. A - 605

Author: Nehring,K. und C.Puppe
Title: A Theory of Diversity
Abstract: How can diversity be measured? What does it mean to value
Can we assist Noah in constructing his preferences? To address these
questions following Weitzman (1992,1998), we propose a multi-attribute
approach under which the diversity of a set of species is the sum of the
values of all attributes possessed by some species in the set. We
the basic intuitions and requirements for a theory of diversity and show
that the multi-attribute approach satisfies them in a highly flexible
tractable manner. Conjugate Moebius inversion serves as the unifying
mathematical tool.
A basic starting point is to think of the diversity of a set as an
of the dissimilarities
between its elements. This intuition is made formally precise, and the
conditions of itsapplicability are characterized: the family of relevant
attributes must
satisfy a condition of
acyclicity. The two most important attribute structures satisfying
acyclicity, taxonomic hierarchies
and lines representing uni-dimensional qualities, are studied in depth,
the entailed restrictions on the dissimilarity metric are characterized.
In multi-dimensional settings, pairwise dissimilarity information among
elements is typically insufficient to determine the diversity of their
Using a parametrization of the hypercube as the simplest
model, we discuss the new issues and phenomena that arise. Even simple
instances of Noah's choice problem become combinatorially complex, and
quantitative behaviour of diversity differs fundamentally.
Keywords: Diveristy, endangered species, similarity, set function, conjugate
Moebius inversion
JEL-Classification-Number: D 11
Creation-Date: September 1999
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