Author: Corneo, G. and M. Marquardt
Title: Employers' Versus Employees' Contributions To The Social Security System
Abstract: We develop an overlapping-generations model that highlights the interaction
between an unfunded pension system and an unemployment insurance in the
presence of a labor market with union wage setting. The social security
system is financed by proportional wage taxes levied on firms and their
employees. The equilibrium path entails endogenous growth and involuntary
unemployment. The contribution rates to the social security system are shown
to have no influence on the equilibrium rate of unemployment. The
contribution rates exert growth effects, which are negative for the
contributions to the pension system and positive for those to the
unemployment insurance. We investigate whether workers or firms
should finance the social security system. While there is no financing
method that dominates another one on efficiency grounds, the financing
methods can be ranked with respect to their growth effects. Maximizing
economic growth requires that only firms finance the unemployment insurance
and only workers finance the pension system. These results are due to the
interaction between the pension system and the unemployment insurance, and
would not arise if only one of these institutions were present.
Keywords: Public Pensions, Unemployment Insurance, Equilibrium
Unemployment, Endogenous Growth
JEL-Classification-Number: E24, H55, J51
Creation-Date: January 1998
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