Author:Ewerhart, Christian
Title: Undecidable Statements in Game Theory
Abstract: The paper points towards formally undecidable statements
in non-cooperative game theory. We present a general theory
where rational players base their decisions
solely on the provable implications of their assumptions.
For a version of the centipede game, we show that
it is undecidable whether a deviation from the
backward induction path is possible under commonly assumed rationality
or not. The approach retraces various impossibility results
in the definition of rational behavior to the presence of
undecidable statements. It is argued that the problem of
undecidability can be avoided by assuming that
each player has a private epistemic model of his opponents.
Keywords: Rationality, Logic, Undecidability, Game Theory,
Language, Iterated Dominance
JEL-Classification-Number: C72, A12
Creation-Date: June 1997
URL: ../1997/a/bonnsfa553.pdf
17.02.1998, © Webmaster