SFB 303 Discussion Paper No. A - 509

Author: Funk, Peter
Title: Dynamic Gains from Trade
Abstract: This article examines the validity of a gains from trade proposition in
a world in which the direction of technological change is determined
endogenously. We first give an extreme example in which a part of the world
that would smoothly develop under autarchy forever remains underdeveloped
under free trade. An assumption is then introduced, which excludes the
example and guarantees that development under free trade dominates
development under autarchy in the long-run. The assumption is closely
related to the assumption of irreducible markets in McKenzie [1959]. It
requires the existence of a 'closed scarcity chain' connecting tastes and
endowments of all types of consumers. The result complements the classical
gains from trade proposition that assumes the state of technological
knowledge to be given.
Keywords: Endogenous growth, gains from trade, underdevelopment
JEL-Classification-Number: D50, F10, O10, O31
Creation-Date: January 1996
URL: ../1996/a/bonnsfa509.pdf"
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