SFB 303 Discussion Paper No. A - 474

Author: Hansen, Nico A.
Title: Privatization, Technology Choice and Aggregate Outcomes
Abstract: We present a general equilibrium model of imperfect competition to
analyze different policy measures in transition economies. Due to strategic
complementarities in technology choice and demand spillovers, the
possibility of multiple macroeconomic equilibria arises. Those equilibria
can be Pareto-ranked. Equilibria where modern technologies are employed are
preferable. Technology adoption crucially depends on how property rights are
distributed and which method of privatization is chosen. The existence and
occurrence of 'good` equilibria is extremely fragile with respect to policy.
Contrary to conventional wisdom, we show that a broad distribution of ownership
rights can have favorable influence on micro-economic efficiency and may
therefore lead to a 'good` aggregate outcome. Sales to single or core
investors, if accompanied by workers' equity shares, may perform worse.
Furthermore only a Big Bang approach to privatization might lead to
favorable outcomes.
Keywords: privatization, transition, technology choice, multiple equilibria,
demand spillovers
JEL-Classification-Number: O33, P00, E62, H32
Creation-Date: March 1995
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