SFB 303 Discussion Paper No. A-473

Author: Hansen, Nico A.
Title: Endogenous Technology Choice and the Big Push
Abstract: We present a general equilibrium model of imperfect
competition to analyze Rosenstein-Rodan's idea of the 'Big Push'. Simultaneous
investment of many sectors of the economy can be profitable for everyone
although no sector can break even industrializing alone. The mechanism
that generates such multiple macroeconomic equilibria is a demand spillover
that influences how factor saving the chosen production technologies are.
Contrary to the existing 'Big Push' literature, we show that pure profit
spillovers can cause multiple equilibria. Equilibria with modern technologies
are preferable to others. Adoption of highly productive technologies may
be the only way to get out of a 'bad' equilibrium. Technology choice crucially
depends on the property rights on profits and is shown to be extremely
fragile with respect to policy.
Keywords: Big Push, industrialization, technology choice,
development, multiple equilibria, property rights
JEL-Classification-Number: O14, O33, H32
Creation-Date: March 1995

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