SFB 303 Discussion Paper No. A-463

Author: Kessler, Anke S.
Title: The Value of
Abstract: The objective of this paper is to endogenize the
information structure of an agent in a standard model of adverse selection.
Before contracting takes place, the agent has the opportunity to choose
among different information technologies in order to gather information on
the future state of nature. I allow for the possibility that, when using a
certain technology, the agent is ignorant ( remains uniformed about the
state of nature during the entire game ) with some probability. The agent's
optimal choice of information structure is derived and it is shown that in
the case of 2 states of nature, the possibility of remaining ignorant has a
strictly positive strategic value for the agent for a wide range of
information technologies. In such a case, there will be no equilibrium in
which the agent is perfectly informed even if additional information is
Keywords: Information Acquisition, Contracts, Adverse
JEL-Classification-Number: D82, D83
April 1995
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