Hens, Thorsten, and Piero Gottardi
Title: The Survival
Assumption and Existence of Competitive Equlibria when Asset Markets are
Abstract: The paper studies the role and the
formulation of the survival assumption with incomplete markets. We are able
to show the existence of a competitive equlibrium when the agents'
endowments lie on the boundary of their comsumption set. However, for this
some additional assumptions with respect to the complete market case are
needed. These are joint restrictions on the asset structure and the
distribution of the endowments and preferences. In the second part of the
paper a precise characterization of these conditions is provided, and it is
shown that our findings allow a substantial improvement upon earlier results
in the literature.
Keywords: incomplete markets, existence,
resiurce relatedness
JEL-Classification-Number: D52, C62, G10
Creation-Date: June 1994
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