Engel, Joachim and Alois Kneip
Title: Recent Approaches to Estimating Income Distributions, Engel Curves and
Related Functions
Abstract: The paper surveys recent methods of nonparametric curve estimation
in their relevance to some problems in econometrics: the estimation of
income distributions, cross-sectional Engel curves and other functions which
depend on the demand in large economies. Instead of a comprehensive review
of the literature, only aspects of nonparametric estimation are considered
as they relate to the applications we have in mind. In density estimation
the concept of estimating skewed and heavy-tailed distributions is
discussed. Estimating demand curves necessitates in particular to address
nonparametric regression under a random design when the data are
Keywords: Income distributions, cross-sectional Engel curves, nonparametric
curve estimation, demand analysis
JEL-Classification-Number: C14, C21, D12, D31
Creation-Date: April 1994
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