Schweizer, Urs
Title: Contract-Specific Environments Leading to Unsophisticated Contracts
Abstract: Given that moral hazard seems omnipresent, one might expect that many more
contractual relationships should be governed by sophisticated incentive schemes
than what we actually observe. By propagating the purely contract-theoretic
approach, the present paper identifies contract-specific environments for the
hidden action problem under which contracts that promise, at no incentives
whatsoever, a flat rate to the agent cannot be outperformed by more sophisticated
arrangements. Optimum contracts, however, are sometimes plagued by multiple
equilibria. The paper reinforces Gale's and Hellwig's findings that a rather
severe conflict between the game-theoretic and the contract-theoretic criterion
should more carefully be taken into account than most authors currently do.
Keywords: Unsophisticated contracts, hidden action, equilibrium
JEL-Classification-Number: D23
Creation-Date: Februar 1994
URL: ../1994/a/bonnsfa432.pdf
17.02.1998, © Webmaster