Engel, Joachim, and Theo Gasser
Title: A Minimax Result for a Class of Nonparametric Density Estimators
Abstract: A class of kernel type density estimators with locally varying
bandwidth is introduced. This class contains the fixed bandwidth
estimator,the nearest neighbor estimator, the penaliyed maximum likelihood
estimator and a variance stabilizing estimator. While based on
asymptotic mean integrated square error (AMISE), there is no uniformly
optimal method, the fixed bandwidth estimator is minimax optimal.
Keywords: Nonparametric Density Estimation, Kernel Methods, Nearest Neighbor
Estimator, Penalized Maximum Likelihood Estimator, Variance Stabilizing,
Minimax Optimality
JEL-Classification-Number: C14, C13, C44
Creation-Date: January 1994
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