Hildenbrand, Werner
Title: On the Empirical Evidence of Microeconomic Demand Theory
Abstract: The concept of `market demand' plays a fundamental role in economic
analysis, for example in price theory under perfect or oligopolistic
competition. In each particular theory one defines an equilibrium
concept. If one wants to use such a model for a comparative static
analysis then the equilibrium concept should be well determined.
In order to obtain a well determined equilibrium it is essential that
the market demand has certain properties. The most traditional
property of market demand is the so-called `Law of Demand' or to use a
more neutral term, the monotonicity of market demand.
The hypothesis of a monotone market demand function or certain
consequences of this hypothesis have to be, at least in principal,
falsifiable by empirical data, and it is important whether this
hypothesis passes such a test.
In this paper I shall formulate an hypothesis on the distribution of
households' characteristics which is not falsified by empirical data
and I shall show that this hypothesis has an important consequence
for the theory of market demand.
Creation-Date: 28. Juli 1993