SFB 303 Discussion Paper No. A - 236

Author: Carroll, Raymond J.
Title: Semiparametric Estimation in Logistic Measurement Error Models
Abstract: We describe semiparametric estimation and inference in a logistic
regression model with measurement error in the predictors. The particular
measurement error model consists of a primary data set in which only the
response Y and a fallible surrogate W of the true predictor X are observed,
plus a smaller validation data set for which (Y,X,W) are observed. Except
for the underlying assumption of a logistic model in the true predictor, no
parametric distributional assumptions are made about the true predictor or
its surrogate. We develop a semiparametric parameter estimate of the
logistic regression parameter which is asymptotically normally distributed
and computationally feasible. The estimate relies on kernel regression
techniques. For scalar predictors, by a detailed analysis of the mean
squared error of the parameter estimate, we obtain a representation for an
optimal bandwidth.
Keywords: Bandwidth Selection, Density Estimation, Errors-in-Variables,
Generalized Linear Models, Kernel Regression, Logistic Regression, Maximum
Likelihood, Measurement Errors Models, Nonparametric Regression, Probit
JEL-Classification-Number: 132
Creation-Date: May 1989
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